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Markal® LA-CO® Quik Stik® Yellow Marker leaves a permanent mark on most surfaces, the solid paint marker keeps the hands, clothing and toolboxes clean. The plastic twist-up holder avoids breakage and the marks dry in 5 to 7 min. The marker moves in and out by the twist-up knob and marks virtually on any surface like wet, smooth, rough or hot. It has a marking range of 0 to 392 deg F and it is weather and UV resistant. The airtight cap maintains the freshness of the marker between the uses. It is ideal for surfaces like pipes and tubes, glass, steel and iron, ceramic, lumber and timber, concrete and stone, rubber and tires and plastic. It is used for metal fabrication, automotive aftermarket, construction, welding, industrial process piping and shipping supply.
Fast-drying, vibrant paint marks dry in 5 to 7 minutes
20% more paint than other brands, more marks for the money
Marks on virtually any surface: wet, smooth, rough, or hot
Airtight, self-storing cap keeps the marker clean and fresh between uses
Weather- and UV-resistant paint for long-lasting mark
Solid paint marker advances and retracts by turning twist-up knob