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Harris® Stay-Silv® Black All Purpose Extra High Temperature Brazing Flux 30# Pail (For Stainless Steel, Carbide, Heavy Parts And Prolonged Heating Cycles)
Airgas Part #: HARSSBF30
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Harris® Stay-Silv® Black All Purpose Extra High Temperature Brazing Flux 30# Pail (For Stainless Steel, Carbide, Heavy Parts And Prolonged Heating Cycles)
Harris-Welco STAY-SILV® (BLACK FLUX) is an all purpose, high temperature flux for use in silver brazing. Formulated for applications where the work is subjected to rapid, localized heating. Particularly useful in applications where large amounts of refactory oxides may form, such as with stainless steel alloys. Use with stainless steel, carbide, heavy parts, prolonged heating cycles. The active temperature range is 1050°F/566°C - 1800°F /982°CUse Stay-Silv White Brazing Flux on applications requiring normal heat. Use Stay-Silv Black Flux on heavy parts, where localized overheating may occur, and where parts are heated over a prolonged period. Stay-Silv Black Flux is also suggested when brazing stainless steel.