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Norton® Bear-Tex® STE-CS 2" Dia Extra Coarse 40 Grit Aluminum Oxide Surface Preparation Non-Woven Disc is a combination of strong synthetic mesh and high quality aggressive, very sharp abrasives that bonded together by a smear-resistant adhesive. Close structured disc with speed of 30000 RPM is suitable for working on harder materials and for low or high force applications. Disc with TR type III mounting system includes a plastic roll-on/roll-off style fastener and is equivalent to 3M™ Roloc™ fastening system. Disc is designed for using on portable tools to clean and remove imperfections on metal surfaces and is ideal for cleaning, debarring or finishing a variety of surfaces, blend weld seams or create decorative finishes.
Features a roll-on/roll-off style fastener made of plastic that is equivalent to 3m™ roloc™ fastening system
norton ste-cs surface prep discs have an aggressive, very sharp abrasive and a closed structure that works best on harder materials and low- and high-force applications
new resin system, aerospace-tailored
proprietary new coating method
Smear-free, even on high nickel content alloys
Will not load on aluminum and soft metals, as competitive products may
Thick layer of grain throughout the product extends life; grain does not sit on top of fibers as other competitive products may