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Norton® SG Blaze® F980 60 Grit Ceramic Alumina Fiber Disc measuring 4 1/2" Dia X 7/8" provides enhanced durability. Disc is formulated for metal fabricating market where durability as well as life are needed to grind stainless steel and other hard-to-grind material. It features a self-lubricating, advanced supersize treatment that reduces heat, loading and glazing on stainless, titanium and super alloys. It offers significant cut rate and life when compared to blended/low-ratio ceramic alumina discs. It resists wear during use and renders fully recyclable for reduced landfill waste. It find its applications in weld grinding and blending. Disc features micro fracturing for sharper grain edges and offers improved humidity and prevention against curl. It gives low total grinding costs and is sold as 25 per pack.
Patented, new generation ceramic alumina grain
Full-ratio / 100% ceramic alumina grain
Self-lubricating, advanced supersize treatment
Improved resin bond system
Extra heavy-duty backing on 50 grit and coarser
Foil-packed availability
Improved micro-fracturing for sharper grain edges and improved grain life
Significant cut rate and life over competitive blended/low-ratio ceramic alumina discs
Minimizes heat, loading and glazing on stainless, titanium and super alloys